Sick/Medical Leave Policy
At some point during their career as an RMT, individuals may take a leave of absence from their employment and go on leave from their jobs for a variety of reasons including maternity/parental leave, sick leave or education leave, etc.
In establishing membership fees as part of the budget process, the Board of Directors shall not refund any part of the fees paid by a member who resigns or is suspended or is expelled from membership in the ANBMT. The member fees are fully retained and non-refundable–with the exception of extraordinary circumstances and at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
If a member’s illness or injury is such that it will require the long term to recover, members may submit a doctor’s certificate (note) as required to be considered for a refund of their member fees. Professional Liability Insurance premiums (PLI) are fully retained by the insurance carrier regardless of the situation.
If a member is unable to work due to illness or injury, the member is responsible to make an appointment with their physician or medical practitioner to obtain a medical certificate (note) stating that they are unable to continue working due to medical reasons. No specific details regarding the medical condition are required to be included on the medical certificate (note). This should be forwarded to the ANBMT for the Board’s review and consideration. The refund, if granted, is considered effective based on the date of the submission, e.g., if the medical certificate (note) is submitted November 1, the refund will be based on the prorated fee amount for the month of November.
The physician or medical practitioner must practice in Canada as a medical doctor, optometrist, chiropractor, psychologist, dentist; midwife or nurse practitioner. The medical certificate (note) must be signed by a medical practitioner and the certificate must:
- Be readable;
- Contain the medical practitioner’s letterhead or official stamp;
- Indicate the member’s name;
- Contain the start date and expected duration (if known) of their
incapacity due to injury, illness, or quarantine; and - Contain the medical practitioners handwritten, electronic or stamp signature.
Copies of the medical certificate (note) will be kept on file for the member along with the Board’s decision to grant the refund. Refunds will be granted through the method chosen by the member, e.g., electronic transfer, money order or cheque.