New Members

The process of becoming a member and receiving your membership number with the Association should take approximately 1 week. You will be notified by email of your Association membership. Please note that this number cannot be used when issuing receipts. You are required to become a member with the College of Massage Therapists of New Brunswick (CMTNB) in order that your clients may be reimbursed by his or her chosen private healthcare company. Once you become a member with the CMTNB, you will be issued an RMT number. You will also be instructed to contact Medavie Blue Cross / Telus Health to inform them of your active membership with the College. Medavie Blue Cross / Telus Health will then issue you a provider number based on that number given to you by the College. Please contact the College’s registrar or visit their website for more information:

All practicing, provisional and Life Members must carry Professional Liability Insurance, which you may purchase through the Association. The Association’s chosen insurance carrier is BFL Canada , click here.

The ANBMT has an annual general meeting (AGM) every year . We manage our meetings using Perry’s Call to Order, by Herb Perry.

The Association is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of 10 directors. The executive committee consists of a Chair, Chair-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer seven Regional Directors who server as regional representatives throughout the province These positions are voted for at the AGM every two years. The Chair and Chair-Elect positions are voted on in even numbered years and the Secretary and Treasurer are voted on during odd numbered years. See the following webpage for more information on the Board of Directors,