How to Become a Member

Any new registrant with the ANBMT will be considered a Provisional Member and will remain as such with the Association no longer than thirty (30) consecutive days before providing proof of successful acceptance to and membership in good standing with a massage therapy regulatory college in Canada; and has paid the specified member fee in accordance with the current fee schedule and has met all requirements below.

*Please note: you must be a provisional or practising member with the ANBMT in order to opt into the ANBMT’s insurance program through BFL Canada.

To become a practising member with the ANBMT and to purchase professional liability insurance (PLI), we require the following information:

  • Provisional Member application form (complete this form)

  • Up-to-date First Aid/CPR (photocopies).

  • Criminal Record Check (a recent copy – no later than 6 months old maximum) *A copy of this document is acceptable; the original is not required.

  • Proof of graduation from a massage therapy program OR proof of membership in a College of Massage Therapy (e.g. copy of diploma) *FOR THOSE APPLICANTS WHO ARE A MEMBER OF A COLLEGE OF MASSAGE THERAPY–A COPY OF YOUR MT SCHOOL CERTIFICATE IS REQUIRED.

  • Two pieces of government-issued identification (one piece must be photo identification)

  • Copy of letters from the CMTNB confirming successful completion of the OSCE and MCQ exams (PDF copies). *This is a requirement for New Brunswick applicants.

  • Membership fees: please refer to the “Membership Fees” link for the exact amount. The BFL Canada Insurance fee schedule table is also located there. If you opt for professional liability insurance coverage through the ANBMT & BFL Canada. *Please provide proof of insurance coverage if you have coverage through another insurance carrier.

  • Complete the Insurance application through the BFL Canada professional liability insurance portal. Payment for membership fees should be made directly to the ANBMT. Payment for BFL Canada Insurance coverage should be made directly to the BFL Canada. *Note: Your ANBMT membership fee must be paid before you can apply for professional liability insurance. Professional liability insurance application forms and payment must be submitted to BFL Canada.

  • PAYMENT OPTIONS: Etransfer(; Credit Card (directly through viewing the ANBMT invoice online);  cheque or money order. *E-transfers require a security question and answer. Please inform the ANBMT once you’ve set your question and answer.

  • Documents may be sent by scan-to-email (, mail (address is indicated on the application form), or fax  to (506) 451-8173. *Please do not send pictures of documents taken with a phone.