Important information regarding your Individual ANBMT RMT insurance policy

Your individual professional and general liability coverage through Lackner Mclennan Insurance Ltd. is designed to cover you as an individual practitioner and is not intended to cover employees, sub-contractors, business partners or a commercial office space that you may be renting over 200 sq. ft.

The Insurance limits of this individual policy is not sufficient for business practices that fall outside these parameters.

Please see below for detailed information on what is covered and not covered under your policy and additional coverage options.

This policy is designed to cover YOU as an individual practitioner

(whether you work from home, as an independent contractor or employee, or are renting a Commercial Space up to 200 sq. ft, etc.). It is NOT designed to cover:

– Practitioners who are on a rental lease or agreement for a space OVER 200 sq. ft

WHY? Because this policy has a $10,000 contents limit, and a $500,000 limit of Tenant’s Legal Liability (protection against damage you cause to the space) If you are renting a room exceeding 200 sq. ft that you are responsible for, these limits may be exhausted quickly in a total-loss

– Practitioners who have business partners and/or sub contractors/employees working for them

WHY? Because this policy covers claims resulting from YOUR negligence/liability only. If a claim arises due to one of your sub contractors/employees etc. that you get pulled into the law suit for (can happen if your name is on the lease), you would have no coverage under this policy

– Practitioners who make over $100,000 in Gross Annual Sales

WHY? Because this policy has a shared limit of $10,000 that includes Business Interruption (coverage for your scheduled appointments/earnings for the time you were unable to practice due to an insured peril). This limit would be quickly exhausted for practitioners who make more than $100,000 annually

– Practitioners who own their work space building

WHY? Because this is not a business policy. We do not offer coverage for this situation in our department. We would need to refer insured’s who own their work space to another department in our office for a full clinic policy

Other Policy Options

We have two policy options that can be purchased (one or the other, whichever category you fall into) in addition to your individual liability policy. If your business falls outside the parameters of these additional policies, we do have a programs department that offers quotes for full business policies, this is for businesses that are too large for the below options.


$345.00 (+ HST where applicable) annual premium. This policy is designed to give proper coverage for practitioners who are renting or leasing commercial space up to 800 sq. ft and can have 2 other practitioners (Employees and/or Sub-contractors) working in their office space. This will give you the following additional coverage’s:

  • $25,000 in Contents coverage – Covers your furniture, equipment, improvements you make to the space another property owned by you or for which you are legally liable.
  • $50,000 Extension Package – Covers items such as glass, outdoor signs, property in transit, contents temporarily at unnamed locations, $500.00 Money Coverage.
  • Actual Loss Sustained for Business Interruption (unlimited, payed out on the actual price of the loss) – Loss of income due to an insured loss.
  • Crime insurance – Employee dishonesty, robbery
  • $5,000,000 in Commercial General liability and Professional liability for your business entity.


$700.00 (+ HST where applicable) annual premium. This policy is designed to give proper coverage for practitioners who are renting or leasing commercial space up to 1500 sq. ft and can have 4 other practitioners (Employees and/or Sub-contractors) working in their office space. This will give you the following additional coverage’s:

  • $100,000 in Contents coverage – Covers your furniture, equipment, improvements you make to the space another property owned by you or for which you are legally liable.
  • $50,000 Extension Package – Covers items such as glass, outdoor signs, property in transit, contents temporarily at unnamed locations, $500.00 Money Coverage.
  • Actual Loss Sustained for Business Interruption (unlimited, payed out on the actual price of the loss) – Loss of income due to an insured loss.
  • Crime insurance – Employee dishonesty, robbery
  • $5,000,000 in Commercial General liability and Professional liability for your business entity.

If your business falls outside the scope of the individual ANBMT policy, please send an email to advising that you are an ANBMT member and require further insurance. A representative from Lackner McLennan Insurance will then contact you to discuss your business practice and determine your insurance needs.