*Place you reside for the majority of the time

Home Address

Business/Employment Address

Please Provide a Copy of the Following

Membership Fees

Payment options: Cheque, Money Order, Credit Card (contact the ANBMT to pay using a CC You can e-transfer your member fees directly to us (membership fee to the ANBMT & insurance payment to BFL Canada) Just use the ANBMT's email address Make a note that the payment is for you (include your name and address).

Insurance Registration

You can get additional information about these insurance policies by visiting the ANBMT website at and by clicking on BFL CANADA. If you currently have Liability Insurance with a provider other than BFL Canada please fill out the following form below and include a copy of current insurance policy:

Please fill out the information below and send the combined payment including membership renewal and BFL Canada Insurance to the ANBMT.

Total Payment (See Link for the Table below) Membership Fees

I hereby authorize the Association of New Brunswick Massage Therapists to make such inquiries about me as it considers appropriate in connection with this application. I understand that I am deemed not to have satisfied the standards and qualifications for a certificate of registration if, in connection with this application or past application, I have made false or misleading representation, either because of what was I stated or left un-stated.