Objects of the Association

The objects of the Association as set out in the Letters Patent of the Association are as follows:

  • To promote the science, art and philosophy of massage therapy;
  • To represent its membership before governmental and regulatory bodies concerned with massage therapy;
  • To foster and encourage professional growth and high standards of practice among its Members;
  • To encourage high standards of education for students of massage therapy;
  • Operating and administering programs on behalf of the Members when requested to do so;
  • Promoting causes and performing such other duties and functions as may be required by the Members and as may be conducive to the best interests of the Members;
  • To acquire by purchase, lease, exchange, grant, concession, or otherwise and to hold, rent, sell, convey, exchange, lease, mortgage and otherwise dispose of for the purposes of the Association any real or personal property and any rights or privileges which the Association may think necessary or convenient for the purposes of its undertaking;
  • To carry on any other activity which in the opinion of the Board of Directors, can be advantageously carried on by the Association, provided that the said activity is conducive to promoting the above-stated objects of the Association, and is of a charitable nature within the legal meaning of the word “charity.”